Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2024


so this is where you are 
and this is where we meet 
between unsure and unknown 
streets paved with unrealized dreams 

did I hear you say that it's wrong 
or was it something's not quite right 
where could we have gone 
but where we did that night 

you stopped far short of love
the words never crossed your lips
your sun blocks out my moon 
and hope is totally eclipsed 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I dream

a sky of blue
a sea of green
this sandy beach
on which I dream

the tide ebbs
and then it neaps
under starlit skies
my promises keep

cast them out
upon a wave
and what comes back
will always remain

those that float
away from me
were not the ones
for me to keep
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Thursday, January 11, 2024


the moon moves through its phases
nonchalant and slow 
each one pulls upon me 
like the tide washing on my shore 
when I think the cleanse has come
from the salty brine 
the crescent comes 
and shines its face 
with the memories that remind

laying on the sandy beach 
starring at the stars 
wondering how I landed here 
my heart on a sandbar
the bottle that I corked and threw 
into this vast green sea 
drifts out for just a little while 
then always returns to me

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Sand Dollars

Seashells washed up on the beach 
With the morning tide
Lots of little tide pools 
Swimming with sea life
Searching for sand dollars
None here to be found 
Walking, looking, finding none 
Not this time around 
Finally, one in seaweed 
A perfect little shell 
Stooping to retrieve it 
Before the ocean swells 
Very, very brittle
It breaks right in my hand 
Keep on searching, seeking more 
None on this smooth sand!

Thursday, July 21, 2022


yesterday, I was in paradise
the sun and sand and  sea 
spending pleasurable moments 
with those important to me 

everything lays dormant 
my spirit calm and free
recharging all of my energy
that's what Mexico does for me 

as I leave it all behind  
everything I put to order 
the past waits with its thumb stuck out 
like a hitchhiker at the border

Friday, July 15, 2022

the beach

always on my mind
hot sun, warm sand, endless sea
tides flow in my mind
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Monday, June 27, 2022

where I need to be

I can pretend, I'm at the beach
cool sea water around my feet 
sand that goes, for miles and miles 
as I whittle away the coming hours 
not a thought comes into mind 
all my worries left behind 
I'll worry when mañana comes 
cause mañana always comes
Creative Commons License

Monday, May 16, 2022


laying on the sandy beach 
at the ocean's edge 
toes close to the water 
hands behind my head 
I shut my eyes real tight 
and suck in deep my breath
I'm ready for the briny waves 
to sanctify and cleanse 
this always worked before 
but doesn't help this time 
the wound is way too deep
and burns when the sea gets in

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

a sweet dream

finally, a sweet dream comes 
of sandy beaches and warm sun 
of moonlight walks, hand in hand 
two sets of footprints
in the sand 
I wake refreshed, 
yawn, and stretch
 this time a dream, 
I don't forget

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

blown away

the wind rages and waves are high
ferociously they pound the shore 
I stand on the portico, wind whipping my hair 
zipping my jacket against the chill 
the moon hides as does the stars 
ocean life swims in deeper fathoms 
but tomorrow the sun will shine 
the sand will be swept clean 
nothing of the storm will remain 
nor will thoughts of you 
that I cast into the wind 
now completely blown away

Thursday, April 21, 2022



Monday, April 4, 2022


I'm packing very little
there's not much that I need
hitting the open highway
for the beach, the sun, the sea

heading for the border
be there early today
I know once I get there
my troubles fade away

pulling out my passport
for examination
many detainees here
waiting on immigration

something about the ambiance
something about that air
something about the evenings
that makes me forget what's here

Mexico, just a dream away
closer than it appears
the climate always perfect
maybe, I'll just stay there

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Friday, March 25, 2022


a four hour drive is worth the price

a chance at heaven with endless nights 
stars that glow and lunar light
my spirit calm, my mind is right 

it is over much too soon 
pack my car and leave at noon 
it floats away like a helium balloon 
over green seas and sandy dunes

Saturday, February 26, 2022

you missed me

you said you missed me 
missed not holding my hand on the beach 
missed not showing me your Sonoran moon missed me 

you said you missed me 
that my time there was too long
that the ocean was too vast 
that there were too many stars missed me

in just a small span of days .
you missed me

Monday, February 21, 2022


my passport is laying dusty 
on the dresser in my room 
constantly, reminding me 
of my last trip to the sea 
I need to squeeze in one more trip 
to this place I love 
where serenity, engulfs me 
and the white noises leave quietly

Thursday, February 10, 2022

the sea

my house by the sea 
smelling the salty air 
as waves crash on the beach 
the sound of the waves 
as they cover the sand 
smoothing the beach once again 
erasing footsteps and castles 
under the moon’s soft light 
and the sea’s evening flow

Saturday, January 29, 2022

forever on my beach

in my mind I'm in Mexico 
my feet propped on my wall 
push the little piece of lime 
down in my Pacifico 
contemplating, resurrecting the way it all turns out
burying ghosts, faceless hosts
those things that plague me most 

why is it that I find myself 
but it doesn't last that long 
pack my bags, heading back 
while the CD plays that song 
maybe I should move there 
stay forever on my beach 
without cell phone calls no worries befall
just live my days in peace

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


deep blue sea meets azure, cloudless sky
as far as I can see on the horizon
Your sun warming all

tide pools teem with small ocean life
safe, for a short time, from the terror
of depths that threaten
their miniscule spot on the food chain

this place, this phenomenal space
restores my soul
I reflect on this glory, what You have
made and left
all You have given to me

It is good

Monday, December 20, 2021

Beach House

I need to go to the beach house 
To walk in the sand and feel the sun 
Let my mind relax, regenerate 
But too much here is left undone 
Working hard with very long days 
Always pulled in multiple directions
Everyone needs a piece of my time 
No moments now for restful reflection 
Doing my job on auto pilot 
Hitting constant turbulence 
I am here in body 
My mind is at the sea 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


I could live forever 
in this kingdom on the beach 
worries left at the border 
my soul at one with the sea
 and as I swim in surf 
warmth and salt soothe me
 this isn't all I want 
but it's exactly what I need