Showing posts with label dance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dance. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


so we danced for awhile
and we danced real close
the lyrics blue
the tempo slow

you held me tight
whispered in my ear
just for one night
the meaning clear

so we danced for awhile
and we danced real slow
that song has ended
that one night gone

Thursday, February 1, 2024


I'll claim that piece 
where secrets roam 
that hidden part
that mirrors my own
a slice of pleasure 
a dance of desire 
it's you and me baby 
an infernal fire

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


you taught me things 
the lessons I learned well 
it's not that I'm not smart 
you know I'm quick as hell
an enigma to my friends
at most things I excel 

you taught me how to smile 
at the silliest things 
to enjoy a smooth latte 
it's a Starbucks thing 
and to enjoy a love 
the kind that your heart brings 

you taught me how to dance
as time moved too fast 
I knew you were here for now 
not how long we could last 
when the dance was over 
is when you turned your back 

the lesson I learned best 
was learned after you were gone 
no longer hearing you sing 
any of my favorite songs
the breaking of my heart 
that just keeps stretching on
Creative Commons License

Sunday, August 7, 2022

I dreamed you were here

I dreamed you were here 
we sat on my terrace 
sipping wine under the stars 
the full moon bathing us in lunar light

I dreamed you were here 
singing me a love song 
as we danced, locked together, 
barely moving to the song you sang 

I dreamed you were here 
holding me close under Egyptian sheets 
your whispered words 
surrounding me with love 

morning dawns, the dream fades
as I stretch and turn 
reaching out for you 
finding you weren't there

Friday, June 17, 2022

dance with me

put on your boots
and I'll don mine
let's go some place
where the music's fine
all the others
are forming a line
dance with me baby
one more time

let's dance real late
into another night
till the moon disappears
and it becomes light
hold me close
hold me tight
dance with me baby
one more time
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Thursday, June 16, 2022

then and now

yesterday's song, 
gone before dawn
bits and pieces of us 
scattered in the wind 
but one thing is true 
always about you 
I loved you then and now

yesterday's dance,
one more chance 
embracing fire and passion 
the music ends 
before it begins, 
I loved you then I love you now

Sunday, June 12, 2022

let go

I don't need your love 
to make me complete 
read all the books, not about me
I'm smart enough to know 
about the heart I can't hold 
and the hand that has been let go 

it wasn't out of need but my heart's want 
about whispered words and  a slow dance begun 
unfinished lyrics once left unsung 
under a moon I thought you'd hung

the moon has a way of slipping behind clouds 
cool mountain breezes, that mock me now 
stars gazed upon don't shine near as bright
memory haunts dreams, and come every night 

when the dawn bleeds in red...
I write from my thoughts
putting it down, so I won't forget
an unpainted portrait without a regret 

how long does it take to forget this love? 
to put it aside and memory thereof 
I can put it in prose, lyric and haiku 
make it come out, the way I want it to
it wasn't out of need but my heart's want 
about whispered words and  a slow dance begun 
unfinished lyrics once left unsung 
under a moon I thought you'd hung
Creative Commons License

Friday, June 3, 2022

electric slide

Between Heaven and Earth
on a wooden floor 
doin the electric slide
givin all we're worth
steel guitars
and a longneck night 
boots slide smoothly 
or tap in time 
cowgirls moving
quickly in line 
dancing late 
in the moon's light 
cowboy up
for one last time

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


I'm still believing, baby 
still believing in me and you 
I believe in these dreams of mine 
and will for quite some time 
I believe that you'll still sing
I believe that we'll still dance
I'm keeping my faith in love 
I'm keeping my faith in you 
I believe that as long as this fire
is raging down deep inside 
that if I believe it long enough
you will keep it ignited

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

hello, again

let's start again 
"hello, how are you 
do we know each other?" 
this time, let's go slower 
"yes, we've met before,
but it was a while ago" 
can history repeat? 
can it be any sweeter? 
than the time before... 
 "they are playing our song 
would you like to dance?" 
this I remember well!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


I’m lookin' for a cowboy 
With, boots, hat and a horse 
The kind that doesn’t line dance 
Do real cowboys do that? 

Tall and lean and muscular 
From ridin' the range all day 
Ropin', brandin', workin' hard 
Always fences to mend 

Yeah, there’s something about a cowboy 
And romancin' under the moon 
He can sweep me off my feet 
Or maybe use a lasso 

We’ll get in his pickup 
Or maybe we can ride double 
I can ride in front of him 
So he can keep me from fallin’  

At the end of a long hard day 
His boots tucked under my bed 
He’ll fulfill my fantasies 
Just please don’t call me ma’am!

Friday, March 18, 2022


once I made a video 
I'm dancing to a tune 
I can dance all by myself 
or I can dance with you 

once I wrote a love song 
from feelings that you knew 
I can sing it to myself
or I can sing it to you

Friday, March 11, 2022

last dance

I was always hoping
there'd be one last dance
slow and sensual 
like it was in the past 
but the music changes 
and you're not in the mood 
I will never have 
that last dance with you

Thursday, February 17, 2022

piper's tune

I want to dance
to the piper's tune
I want to love you 
under a crescent moon 
you started a fire 
I still feel the heat
and what it brought 
was what I needed 
so dance with me baby 
to the piper's tune 
hold me tight, 
one more night 
under a crescent moon 

Sunday, January 2, 2022


on a lazy Sunday
with not much to do
played a couple of games
now that is all through
you put on some music
and I grab your hand
fast or slow tempo
we begin to dance

turn the lights down
while you hold me close
moving to the rhythm
of the songs we love
you start to whisper
sweet things in my ear
drowns out the lyrics but
it's what I want to hear

a lazy afternoon
is meant just for this
dancing close to you
and your amorous kiss
the music still plays
but the dancing is through
and in the dim light
I'm loving you
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Sunday, December 5, 2021

dancing with you

baby would you take me dancing, 
just like we used to do
let's not stay home this evening
let's go and have some fun

I'll put on my little black dress
the one you really like
let's go find some music
and dance late into night

it has been such a long time
since you've spun me around
baby will you take me dancing?
I do love dancing with you
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Friday, December 3, 2021

fields of clover

you saddled the moon
so we could ride
in fields of clover
and crimson tides

you played the chords
so we could dance
close together
one more chance

you sang the lyrics
I wanted to hear
each beat of you heart
that kept me near

you wrote the words
the meaning clear
thought it was a dream
till you appeared
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


"I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher 
might wish more to be than a good dancer." Friedrich Nietzsche 
I am a good dancer so I must be a philosopher! 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


I am in heaven 
at the crossroads I stand
blue sky and drifting clouds 
I'll love you tomorrow 
as I loved you yesterday 

the wind will blow 
liquid silver drops 
will drench the mountain clover 
and I will dance with you 
until the music is over 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

wild night

you walk up 
ask me to dance 
see if I might want to
take a chance 
I can tell by the look 
there in your eye 
this just may be 
one wild night