Showing posts with label lyrics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lyrics. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

dreams are just for dreaming

I slip in past the smoke screen
hitting just a little too close 
night vision is a bonus 
I see you as you doze
no different from what I discovered 
some things will never change 
and I leave you like I found you 
with nothing rearranged 

I can see you on the road 
your thumb out, hitchin a ride
I was carrying a heavy load
construction made a difficult drive
no places on the shoulder 
no pull off posted by sign
I stop in the middle of the street 
getting ticketed for my time 

dreams are just for dreaming 
clandestine just the same 
real life is for real living 
not framing in a picture frame 
you take what He hands down 
trying to ace the tests 
you do with it what you can 
then stow it with all the rest 

here I stand on solid ground 
as the world spins round and round 
it's my competitive nature
that won't let me back down 
I once took my best shot 
got a ribbon for second place 
but I was in the running 
I accept my trophy with grace

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Pandora's Box

you opened your eyes 
but closed your mind 
oblivious to dreams
I kept inside 
you saw the package 
but not the treasure 
all of those late nights 
we were together 

you spent the passion 
but saved your heart 
keeping those two things 
far, far apart 
nothing ever ventured,
 nothing ever gained 
so good at keeping
it all self-contained 

you pulled the ribbon 
on Pandora's box 
you twisted the key 
in a rusty lock 
you wound the toy 
just a little too tight 
leaving in haste 
before the dawn's light 

I thought I had it 
under control 
I could play the game 
and you'd never know 
you were much smarter 
than I had first thought 
you saw the ruse 
right from the start 

gently, you tried 
to let me down 
distancing me 
with silent sounds 
what you couldn't see--
failed to understand
 I knew your game 
but couldn't outrun your plan 

you pulled the ribbon 
on Pandora's box
you twisted the key 
in a rusty lock 
you wound the toy 
just a little too tight 
leaving in haste 
before the dawn's light 

I could see your future 
but not play a part 
you weren't really honest;
that wasn't our start
I knew there was another, 
but not the connection 
you had already promised 
your love and affection 

so as we go forward 
with an uneasy truce 
bury what's dead 
between me and you
no tourniquet will stop 
my bleed you'll agree
you didn't promise 
to be what I need

you asked me once
if the wound was still deep 
you can figure that out 
in this song if you read 
what starts with white lies, 
ends sadly with truth
it ebbs and then flows 
with each phase of the moon 

you pulled the ribbon 
on Pandora's box 
you twisted the key 
in a rusty lock 
you wound the toy 
just a little too tight 
leaving in haste 
before the dawn's light 

Monday, January 10, 2022

your shirt

you hand me your shirt, the palest of yellow
said this is the one that I wore when we met
you button each one leavin' two at the top
sayin darlin, you sure make that shirt look real hot

and I don't remember the color of your shirt
all I remember is the total outlook
the careless appeal with that twinkle in your eyes
I knew I was a goner that very first night

stilettos click clack on the cool, dark tile
we snuggle up close for a movie and wine
long before the credits begin to role
we're lost in the moment of being so close

one by one, each button gets undone
we're back where we started...when I first put it on
nothing but white noise from the plasma tv
the shirt looks good on the floor where it lays

and I don't remember the color of your shirt
all I remember is the total outlook
the careless appeal with that twinkle in your eyes
I knew I was goner that very first night
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Monday, September 27, 2021


in the smooth sand down by the sea 
you never declared your love for me 
you tell me there's an easy way 
then you try to illustrate...
after, tellin me I'm not part of your plan 
sayin "I'm not the man you think I am"

I never issued an ultimatum 
didn't quote the rules verbatim 
never told you I would not wait 
never turned my back in haste 
tellin me I'm not part of your plan 
sayin "I'm not the man you think I am" 

how would you know with just one look?
you opened the cover, didn't read the book 
I gave you lots of latitude 
while you were givin me attitude 
you told me I'm not part of your plan 
said "I'm not the man you think I am" 

but you were wrong, couldn't read the cards 
the reasons why I fought so hard 
I fell in love still anyway 
but all of that is yesterday 
tellin me I'm not part of your plan 
sayin "I'm not the man you think I am"

I never issued an ultimatum 
didn't quote the rules verbatim 
never told you I would not wait 
never turned my back in haste 
tellin me I'm not part of your plan 
sayin "I'm not the man you think I am"

Saturday, August 21, 2021

not enough for me

a little bit of missing you 
goes a long, long way 
a little bit of missing your kissing 
leaves me feeling gray 
a little bit of wanting you 
makes me hungrier than you can perceive 
just a little bit of you
just isn't enough for me 

can't imagine not always 
having your love to make my day 
can't imagine the way I ache 
when we are separated 
can't imagine my heart break
or all of those old cliches' 
can't imagine how many times 
those loving moments replay 

it's only been a few hours 
but it feels like days and days 
it's too long to be without you, 
that's what my heart says 
it's too long 'til I see you, 
though it's just a few minutes away 
yeah, a little bit of missing you 
goes a long, long way 

just a little bit of you, 
just isn't enough for me no,
just a little bit of you 
will never be enough for me 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

is that too much?

I've quit you before, 
tried to stay away 
something draws me back 
like a fly to web 
I just get stuck 
and I can't stay away
ready for more hurt
ready for the pain

can you give me a hug, 
is that too much? 
can you kiss me long, 
is that pushing it? 
can you look at me 
like I'm all you want? 
hey there baby, 
can you loan me some love? 

I remember way back, 
how it all started out
I thought we were on 
the road to true love
didn't see the warnings, 
couldn't read the signs 
I thought I was yours 
and that you were mine 

somehow it just 
got twisted and bent 
soon there was nothing 
for you to relent 
you turned left 
and I went straight 
what we missed 
is a crying shame 

I've quit you before, 
tried to stay away 
something draws me back 
like a fly to web 
I just get stuck 
and I can't stay away
ready for more hurt
ready for the pain

can you give me a hug, 
is that too much? 
can you kiss me long, 
is that pushing it? 
can you look at me like 
I'm all you want? 
hey there baby, 
can you loan me some love? 

Monday, June 21, 2021


I moved on to greener pastures
that stretch for miles and miles
sun shines bright upon my days
nighttime makes me smile
no longer blue, no hidden hues
that creep into my soul
you may not understand this
but he has made me whole

no longer do I fit in
that little, tiny peg
more to me than meets the eye
an overflowing keg
if you had looked much deeper
if it wasn't all about you
all that I presented
was God's almighty truth

someone saw the light in me
how brightly it does shine
someone saw the love in me
and knew it wasn't a line
someone wanted everything
all that I could give
someone gives it back to me
here, where I now live
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Monday, April 5, 2021

dark and night

I got lost in the midst of your riddle 
miles away caught in the middle 
while you struggled and tried to fight
against a heart laid on the line 

I took one chance and spilled my guts
thought I'd seep in through the cuts 
it echoed against a solid wall 
bouncing like a rubber ball 

don't feel bad, it's not your fault 
I couldn't penetrate your vault
the difference as plain as dark and night 
you always saw what I couldn't hide 

it all frays, that once thick tether 
duct tape couldn't hold us together 
time moves on and I think its settled 
then back it comes like a wilted petal 

it could be a dream or monsoon rain 
the phases of the moon or a song's refrain 
it churns and surfaces once again 
that old heartache--my long lost friend

don't feel bad, it's not your fault 
I couldn't penetrate your vault
the difference as plain as dark and night 
you always saw what I couldn't hide 
it all frays, that once thick tether 
duct tape couldn't hold us together

Friday, March 12, 2021

maybe later

You said "hey, it's about to happen, 
it could be right now or maybe later" 
I never knew just what you meant 
the time I'm there is overspent
forgive me, I've been here too long
my faith has been used up 

You said "don't go, wait a little longer, 
this shroud is slipping, I'm about to discover... 
where the treasure is hidden" 
I never knew just what you meant 
I swept the cobwebs from the room 
hands on the clock moving backward 

You wonder where the time has gone 
your time is now and you're ready to begin 
do you feel the depth of empty shadow?
breathe the freshness of mountain air 
the time has come but I'm not there

the time has come but I'm not there 
"it's finally time" you say to thin air 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

'til we get it right

let's do that again
'til we get it right
if it takes all day
it it takes all night
we could discuss
but talk is cheap
get a little closer, baby
I'll show ya what I mean

let your hands talk
like you're reading braille
your lips moving
on an ivory trail
discover the secrets
down deep inside
as we both float
on passion's tide

let's do that again
'til we get it right
if it takes all day
if it takes all night
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Friday, December 13, 2019

every little thing you do

it's the thought that you put into
every little thing you do
the small considerations
that only come from you
offering up your heart
a piece I know is true
it's the thought that you put into
every little thing you do

hearing what I say
after I forgot what's said
tucking me in lovingly
when I'm early off to bed
your arm lays warm across
my body as I sleep
showing all you feel
and that it's not skin deep

it's the waking up and making up
after one little silly tiff
it's knowing in my heart
it don't get no better than this
it's so many things and more
I know you know it too
baby, it's every little feeling
that I get when I'm with you
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Monday, November 25, 2019

getting out

you're wakin' from the darkness
coming round to your senses
deciding to use risk management
see what all the fuss was about
the boat pushes back from shore
and you're runnin down the dock
as the gang plank is pulled back
a chance that is just missed

I see you from the deck
my hand shading my view
hair blowing in the breeze
one tear slipping from my eyes
the things we thought we wanted
like waves hitting on the shore
and I can barely see you
but I wave to you once more

while we both were searching
wading that river of doubt
it was so easy to fall into
so much harder to get out
I find the way without a compass
using the sun as a guide
and I can barely see you
as I blow a kiss goodbye
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Saturday, November 23, 2019

you love me

you love me for the one-liners
that I quote from movies and songs
you love me for my eyes of green
and my hair that's streaked with blond
you love me for the length of my legs
that you say go on and on
you love me for my tiny waist
that your hands meet around
you love that when you touch me
a fire starts to burn
you love that when I leave you
I'm never gone for long
you love me more than your luggage
and baby, that's pretty strong
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

I think I see

every now and again
when the wind is blowing just right
I hear the music playing
like it did our very first night
maybe it's just the mesquite
or the call of the nightingale
but I know I can hear it
and I think I always will

when the clouds are forming
in the morning sky
I think I see you looking
with those crystal clear blue eyes
and if I squint mine tightly
I think I catch your wink
maybe it just the sun's glare
or you're closer than I think

I can smell the raindrops
and all the flowers that bloom
I can hear the music
that I first heard with you
I can hear you singing
in that perfect pitch
I still get the feeling
that there's much more to this

no longer are there messages
that you used to text
my phone no longer rings
and this I truly miss
while you're slaying your dragons
mine won't leave me alone
you don't miss what you don't have
'cause you're not coming home

many things left incomplete
the papers are stacking up
no longer sharing coffee
you took your favorite cup
the dust settled on the floor
with all you left behind
I could see our future
but I think you were blind

I can smell the raindrops
and all the flowers that bloom
I can hear the music
that I first heard with you
I can hear you singing
in that perfect pitch
I still get the feeling
that there's much more to this

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

a piece you won't forget

I didn't take you for a fool
but you've done some foolish things
as you run in and out of my life
leaving welts that sting

it's like shooting at a target
missing the dead center
when I think the door is shut
once again you'd re-enter

placating my immanent grace
as each bridge you did burn
never getting the nuances
oh, the things you'll never learn

no, I didn't take you for a fool
and I may have been a fool for love
it all dries up just like the wash
when the rain stops from above

maybe you'll be sorry
maybe there's no regrets
but way down deep inside you
lays a piece of me you won't forget
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

trying to get to you

I've got stuff spread 'tween here and there
I'm way over the speed limit
what the state posts on the sign
is too moderate, I am thinking

as I downshift into low
I'm not going fast enough
traffic is much too heavy
smoke is coming from the clutch

now, I think it's way too late
the officer is thinking so too
as he writes me out a ticket
on the side of this busy road

can't he see I'm in a hurry
to get me back to you
as soon as he is finished
off again I will go

he won't slow me down
and I'm not going to brake
I'll take all the tickets
'til they take my license away

if you see my little gray car
best move way out of my path
nothing will keep me from getting to you
the sirens just impede progress

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Sunday, June 6, 2010

this time

this will be different
this will all work out fine
this time has come, this time is now
this time, this love will be mine

this time..I will go more slowly
this time..there is only we two
this time the love songs are just for me
this time, this time, this time

this will be different
this time your love is mine

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Monday, May 24, 2010


I won't ever leave
if you want me to stay
tell me what you want
and I won't pull away

I believe what you say
I believe what you say

I want to be with you
tell me what is true
I can feel it all
is it there for you?

I believe what you say
I believe what you say

can you see the light?
feel the light of day?
can you hold me tight?
do you feel the same way?

I believe what you say
I believe what you say

can this all work out?
I can't see anyway
leaving me with these doubts
am I a fool to play?

I believe what you say
I believe what you say

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Friday, April 30, 2010

After All You've Done For Me (lyrics)

These are my favorite lyrics: Bill Mallonee

I don't wanna lose this one before it is too late
Things just have a way of slipping through my fingers
When the strongest of convictions sort of gets bent out of shape
When the gnawing claw of doubt still lingers

You don't lose, don't lose
No pieces will you lose
After all you've done for me
It's the least I can do for you
You don't lose, don't lose
No pieces will you ever lose
After all you've done for me

As lonely as the final leaf swept from the barren tree
And the drugs, they don't go deep enough to set you free
And the fan blades reflect halo effects when I look up and see you
When the words won't frame the room you're in, pictures will have to do

To live inside these ruins where you move without a sound
Oh, to live inside this skin again and die outside your town
Oh, to break forth into sonnets
Oh Lord, keep me coming back
The stories that you tell your head to keep your heart intact

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License