Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


a vagabond's heart 
did what it pleased 
silently drifting 
empty of needs 
reveling in pleasure
repenting the pain 
but it all closes in 
nothing is gained 

hitting a stone wall 
you slip as you climb 
asking the same questions 
time after time 
the answers you sought 
burn way down deep 
a spirit lost in shadow 
trying to break free 

let the cleansing come 
let the rain pour down 
let me ease your pain 
as the sorrow drowns
let redemption cloak
let your spirit mend 
let your soul wrap around 
the heart of a friend

Thursday, May 2, 2024


people you meet 
along life's path 
sun in your face 
wind at your back
friends are plenty 
when your times are black 
that's one of the things
you've never lacked

let's do lunch

I love to meet
and go to lunch
with the people
I like a bunch
I love the menu
to talk and laugh
telling jokes
and thinking back
I love to spend
the time of day
with friends I’ve missed
since I’ve been away
I love the precious
time we spend
not knowing when
we’ll meet again
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Friday, August 4, 2023


an oasis at the end of a very long trail 
a dip in the pool of Heaven's sweet Grace 
how did you know that this was the place?
a sanctuary for keeping your secrets all safe 

out it all pours as stardust from the dipper
flecked with gold specks, shining in lunar light 
words written carelessly in black and on white 
cause for reflection in the dead of my night 

sleep that evades me and dreams that don't come 
the sun starts to fade and evening befalls 
I try to make sense out of nothing at all 
but the piper is insisting on his margin call 

nothing will I tell, your confessions not divulge
like a Priestess to a penitent, I lock it all in 
I offer absolution for all of your sins 
lighting a candle of peace for my friend

Sunday, August 7, 2022

book II

I reread this page 
my favorite in this book 
a book about us

Friday, June 17, 2022

the kind of friend

would you lay it all down
to save me, my friend? 
can you give what I need
and be happy you did?
I can say good-bye but never let you go 
you're buried too deeply inside of my soul 

can you be the kind of friend 
who always looks back? 
picks me up when I've fallen,
puts me on the right track? 
will you never look down 
and please never let me go? 
bury me there, deeply, 
inside of your soul 

we live, we learn we play another hand 
we can't see the future 
with just one glance 
we keep rolling the dice 
and leaving it to chance 
and what we lay down 
will always comes back 

we never look down 
and we never let go 
and it all comes from something 
buried deep inside of our souls

Thursday, June 16, 2022

you rock

all my secrets and deep, deep truths 
with the wrath of God, I heap on you 
and like the trooper that you are, 
replies with insight and spiritual thoughts 

you listen quietly, talking me through 
these fallacious ideas and my blue hues
building me up, never letting me down 
leave me smiling, when I'm finally done

you complement, never criticize 
and in these matters, you are wise 
what other friend would stick around? 
you totally rock, I'm your biggest fan

Saturday, May 21, 2022

mon ami

say a prayer for me 
to find what you have found 
to bask in someone's love
to be adored in their eyes 

say a prayer for me
mon ami, my dear friend 
I wish you all the best 
wish the same for me 

say a prayer for me 
that I haven't used it up 
that I'll get one more chance 
to love the way you love 

say a prayer for me 
I say a prayer for you 
to protect your heart and soul 
to always know deep love

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

reading each other

you like all the country songs 
ballads that twang a bit 
I like music from the seventies 
and a few more recent hits 

you like all the deep, deep reads 
I prefer less intense 
ok, maybe some thrillers 
where the heroine always wins 

you like all those space flicks 
and sci-fi on TV 
I like more of a drama 
or chick-flicks easy to see 

but we like reading each other 
and coffee the same way 
and sometimes I may get wacky 
but I'm a friend that's here to stay

Thursday, April 21, 2022

friends till the end

there is a place that I go
in my memory 
a place that you hold 
without lock or key 
from the moment we met 
I saved it for you 
I knew this was different 
you've shown this is true 

at times I'm confused 
as to how this all fits 
but we keep moving on 
no matter how hard it gets 
I've put you through paces 
I've made you look deep 
I've called you on things 
my price has been steep 

this bond that we share 
a friendship that's sealed 
with love and understanding 
with nurturing and healing 
you will always belong 
in my heart's special place 
no one comes close 
to filling this space 

I'll be here for you 
as you're there for me 
friends till the end 
this I'll always believe
from the moment we met 
I saved it for you 
I knew this was different 
you've shown this is true 
Creative Commons License

Sunday, February 27, 2022


I figured it out
after all this time 
I've got a grip 
on these feelings of mine
read some books 
that hit the mark 
I shed some light 
on what was dark 
I'll take it all 
everything that's there 
made plenty of room
for what you share 
don't park outside 
and not come in 
there's plenty of room 
I'll always make room 
there's plenty of room 
in my heart for you
Creative Commons License

Thursday, January 13, 2022

the corner of the street

we bump into each other on the corner of the street 
you invite me for coffee and a breakfast treat 
you said "we've got some catching up to do" 
let's sit down here in this vacant booth

in between the "how are you's" and "what's new"
we talk about the kids and crazy work we do
we laugh a lot and before the afternoon is through 
everyone has left and there's only me and you 

you say "we really must do this again" "
it's always so good to catch up with a friend" 
we kiss, we hug and each go our own way
going back to the lives that separate

Monday, January 3, 2022


an easy goodbye 
you leave me in a good place 
a smile on my lips

Sunday, January 2, 2022

I wish

I wish you love 
without the pain 
I wish you success
with all you gain 
I wish you sunsets 
a sky of red 
I wish you the stars 
twinkling overhead 
I wish you a moon 
that you can reach 
I wish you all 
a parting gift from me

Friday, December 10, 2021


a cowboy's wild dreams
a sophisticated mind 
in a poet's heart

Thursday, December 9, 2021

a year

almost a year 
since we connected 
matched wit and will 
were implicated 
several times 
almost disconnected 
changed direction 
and communicated
sometimes was really complicated 
ups and downs 
friendship perfected

Friday, December 3, 2021


are there for reasons 
sometimes you can make it back 
sometimes you can not

Friday, November 12, 2021

catch you if you fall

I'll be there behind you 
a distant memory 
I'll be there behind you 
if there's anything you need
I'll be there behind you 
call if you're in a clutch 
I'll be there behind you 
beside you hurts too much 

I'll be there behind you 
to catch you if you fall 
I'll be there behind you 
that's what friends are for

Thursday, September 30, 2021


I believe in you and the good things that wait
I believe you can fly with the wings we created 
in the arms of a lover, the heart of a friend 
with tenderness we hold in our heart what won't end 

the wonder that stays, may its aura never cease 
the high price we paid for the wounds and healing 
all of it precious and part of you and me 
the roots that were sowed from that one fertile seed

the crop that is yielded holds promise that's rare 
if you ever need me--you know I'll be there 
I hold on tight with my far away arms 
as you take flight with my prayers for no harm 

in the arms of a lover, the heart of a friend 
with tenderness we hold in our heart what won't end

Monday, September 13, 2021

like glue

one road ends
as another bends 
a battle wages
from different cages 
mind and soul
travel high and low 
on each new chart 
ne'er a sign marks 
you do your best
forsaking the rest
relationships fade 
some friends may evade 
pulling loose threads 
draining your last dregs 
but after all we've been through
I'm stick like glue 
believing what you say 
as everlasting truth