Saturday, January 23, 2021


An angel came to visit me 
Sent from up above 
Saw I was having trouble 
And fretting over love 
This is what the angel said 
My feelings she portrayed 
“You seem to be too serious 
With those who come your way” 
“Why not take it slower
 “Relax and you’ll be fine” 
I think this angel’s crazy 
She must be out of her mind 
How can I not be serious 
I have a lot at stake 
My heart can not be trifled with 
I don’t want it to break 
 The angel smiled softly 
And whispered in my ear 
“use your heart or lose it, 
what have you got to fear”
 “How could I not have seen this”
I said before her flight 
A heart is always best when used 
The angel, of course, was right

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