Saturday, January 16, 2021


Standing at a crossroad 
On unfamiliar turf 
Stranded and unaided 
Wanting from my thirst 

Taking all the chances 
Accruing all the risks
Carrying the burden 
Living all the twists 

Needing a strong shoulder 
Needing some respite 
Needing just to close my eyes 
Needing ease of mind 

No mercy from the burning sun 
No haven from drenching rain 
No solitude to sooth my soul 
No shelter from this pain 

If at last I close my eyes 
And try for fitful sleep 
Maybe all the pain will ebb 
And heal these scars so deep

But that would be too easy
For it to dissipate
Knowing that when I wake up
It did not abate

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