Monday, June 3, 2019


Slowly, trudging onward
Honest and forthright
Trying just to find my way
Stumbling, uncertain, contrite

Like a ship that needs more ballast
Or a sail that needs more wind
Moving slowly forward
Trying to transcend

Working out the problems
Settling of scores
Doing just the best I can
Always wanting more

When all the work is finally done
At the end of my long day
I clear my mind and close my eyes
And I file it all away

Tomorrow it starts over
Another just the same
Start with new prospective
More balance is my aim

To help all of those in need of it
All those that I can
To be a rock of steadiness
Is a formulated plan

The good I do for others
Will instill the strength I need
For life to take new meaning
That’s when I will succeed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is pretty good advice, whoever's giving it.