Saturday, March 14, 2009


He had failed, miserably, at everything he tried. That was until he met her. Not expecting anything, he started talking to her at work. She seemed interested in what he had to say. No one had ever done that before.

She was different from the rest
Never put him to the test

She was infatuated with him. The way his hair fell. The way he walked. The casual way he tilted his head when he talked to her. No one had ever done that before.

He was different from the rest
Never put her to the test

He did not want to blow it. Not this time. He wanted her so badly!

She was different from the rest
Never put him to the test

She did not want to blow it. Not this time. She wanted him so badly!

He was different from the rest
Never put her to the test

Years later, they look back. After years of love, laughter, hardship and strife, they knew that their meeting, was one of chance. Kismet! It didn’t matter how or why it happened, but just that it did. And they realized:

They were different from the rest
Together they passed every test

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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