Saturday, April 18, 2020


Now some time off for myself
Thinking about a change
A new life, more exciting
A lot needs rearranged

Woke up in the morning
On that very first day
Did absolutely nothing
Neither work nor play

On the second day I thought
I will make a list
All the things I want to change
All the things I’ve missed

By evening, I’m still sitting
The paper is blank and clean
Don’t know where my mind’s at
Can’t put down what I mean

Third day, now I’m thinking hard
Paper still in hand
No thoughts are coming to me
Nothing here to plan

This is just ridiculous
I thought I was a mess
A lot that needed fixing
But now I feel I’m blessed

I guess I just needed vacation
To rest my mind and soul
My life is actually very good
I think I’m hitting goals

No mending, no repairing
No modification here
Keep on pushing forward
My mind and soul are clear
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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