Monday, March 2, 2009


On a mountain far away
By a cool, blue stream
Is a special haven
An answer to all dreams

The mountain, it is very steep
And very hard to climb
Covered with thorny brambles
It takes a good long time

But there is a secret path
At first it does seem hidden
Look for a craggy range of rocks
That way is not so forbidding

The climb will take a good long while
And is very tiring
But all you seek is onward
For it is awe inspiring

You will know that you are close
When the brambles become flowers
The climb becomes much easier
You’ll start to feel empowered

Once you’ve reached this haven
Take a dip in the cool water
Rid yourself of evils
Cleanse your soul and spirit

Rejuvenate your mind and heart
Take all the time you need
What you take away with you
Will keep you in good stead

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