Wednesday, June 23, 2021


I got caught here in a travesty 
this game you’re playing is tough 
You're skilled at this charade
I know I’ve had enough 
Captured by your sweetness 
The attention that you paid 
Sucked in by flirtation 
I should have turned away
Now it's too late to leave you
I've way too much invested 
Heart and soul and body 
It’s too late to contest it
I’ll hold on till the finish 
See how it plays out 
This game isn't working
I still have my doubts 
You show no signs of cracking 
You play the game straight through 
Looking for your weakness 
None I see from you 
You say the games are over 
And love you do declare 
Can I trust your feelings?
Are you playing fair?
I want to love you fully 
With all I have to give 
As long as you are honest 
I'll hold on till the end

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