Thursday, January 14, 2021

Vapor Trail (possible C&W lyrics)

Whoa, I can’t believe it 
How fast you did depart 
You left so fast there’s a vapor trail 
Stretched across my heart 

 Yes there is a vapor trail 
Make it go away 
Yes there is a vapor trail 
Someday it will fade 

You took almost everything 
When you cut and run 
I’ll probably see it on eBay 
And that leaves me undone 

Yes there is a vapor trail 
Make it go away 
Yes there is a vapor trail 
Someday it will fade 

You took all you could carry
 But you left my broken heart 
Thanks for nothin’ princess
You brutal little tart!! 

Yes there is a vapor trail 
Make it go away 
Yes there is a vapor trail 
Someday it will fade 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeehaw Darlin!