Thursday, February 18, 2021


roaming the mountains and the desert floor 
sun high over head, I've been here before 
seeking the answers to the quandaries that plague 
no solutions forth coming-- my resolve diminishing 

and i shout in the canyon the question "WHY" 
and the echo returns  "the promises were lies" 

things that you did and things that you said 
keep ricocheting around inside of my head 
my steps are unsteady did I stray from the path?
thirsting for answers before I can go back 

and i shout in the canyon the question "WHY" 
and the echo returns "the promises were lies" 

the weariness is coming, I stumble and fall 
nothing to grab hold of, there's no help at all  
my direction now falters; which way should I go?
praying for guidance and praying to know 

and I shout in the canyon the question "WHY" 
the echo that returns "the promises were lies" 

heaven betrayed me hell opens it's door 
redemption can't find me on this desert floor 
I've burned all my bridges, hell's flames scorch at me 
there's just no way back--none that I'll ever see

and i shout in the canyon the question "WHY" 
the echo that returns "the promises were lies"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this a lot! very deeeeep! :)