Monday, March 28, 2022

Dog Tag

The last piece of you has been taken from me 
A piece that I thought was insignificant
But, I had it for so long 
that it was a part of me 
It was the first thing you ever gave me 
It was on my key chain 
from the beginning 
I saw it daily 
and it was a reassurance, 
a reminder 
I knew right away that it was gone 
And I searched and searched, 
but it is gone, forever 
Yes, the memories 
of our time together 
Will always remain, 
put in their place, 
filed away 
The anger and loss 
of that one little piece of you 
Tore my heart out, 
brought the loss of you back 
I cried at this loss, 
and from the emptiness 
that came flooding back 
This too, is now filed away, 
with the rest......closure

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tenderly sad....