Monday, July 22, 2019

Innocent Age

Just a kid playing on the beach
Days were long, a lifetime ahead
Played until the sun would set
Building endless castles of sand

Time speeds by, those days are gone
One day you’re a kid, the next day grown
Building castles of a different kind
Some are tangible, some in my mind

Wish I had bottled that age gone by
When life was easy with less concerns
The older I get the more I yearn
For uncomplicated times of days long past

We can’t go back, the memories fade
Buried and replaced by an older age
Careers, a mortgage, too many bills
Braces, little league and endless lists

We can't recapture the way it felt
That euphoric short lived time of youth
Try as we might, it just can't be
The bottle breaks and time escapes

And as my kids play on the beach
I remember me at this innocent age
A glimpse of the way life used to be
Of what makes me who I am today
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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