Thursday, June 21, 2018


He packed it all after the big fight
And drove away in the dead of night
Left the pain that cut like a knife
He’d done everything to make it work right

She lays on the bed and stares at walls
Thinking maybe that he would call
It wasn’t the first time they’d faced squalls
Hadn’t she done everything, after all

He drives on and thinks of the past
And why they couldn’t make it last
He knew that now the die was cast
And he was never going back

She wakes up, he’s still gone
She thought he would be home by dawn
She stretches and rises with one last yawn
Conclusions yet are not foregone

He pulls off to get some sleep
Something that he desperately needs
The sleep that comes is long and deep
And through the pores the anger seeps

The days are long, she gets no news
It’s already been a week or two
And then he calls, out of the blue
He says it’s over, this was the truth

She drops the phone in disbelief
He hangs up so very relieved
Their time together had not been brief
But she had caused him too much grief

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


Anonymous said...

this is potent.

Anonymous said...

like it much! and the thunder rolls!

Anonymous said...