Monday, October 25, 2021

Breakfast With The Mafia

breakfast with the mafia 
an early Thursday morn 
we watch them through the window 
not happy with their discord
eating their New York bagels 
while they plan and plot 
we're watching for a drive by
making sure we know when to drop 

one looks like Jr Soprano 
getting out of his chauffeured car 
we're guessing they're all packing 
at least their bodyguards are 
we wonder who's gonna get massacred   
whose days just might be numbered 
we're glad that they don't know us 
and we won't be encumbered 

the underworld sure is thriving 
by the looks of this tight clan 
they're  silenced by other patrons 
so they don't overhear their plans 
we hurry with our coffee 
before Tony Soprano arrives 
we just want to leave here 
while we're still alive
Creative Commons License


Anonymous said...

sounds like a bunch of guys sitting in front of a cafe -- just like in the Sopranos!

Anonymous said...

Haha!Chicago Mafia=) I Totally Love the Sopranos =p Love The creativity of you Poem, a new fav!!