Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Time

You say you’re going out with the boys
You need to kick back and relax a while
You probably will not be home that late
Like that’s the first time I heard that

It’s now going on two am
No call from you, I’m not surprised
You could at least let me know that you’re alive
Like that’s the first time that happened

Playing pool at the pub downtown
Flirting, drinking and doing who knows what
I know what time all the bars are closed
Like that’s the first time you did that

Oh, wait, your car pulled in the drive
It’s four am and you’re way late
Can’t wait to hear what you have to say
Like that’s the first time you used that

Your hair is mussed, and you smell cheap
And a lipstick stain is on your cheek
I'd like to slap you but you wouldn't feel it
Like that’s the first time you looked like that

There’s your bed, it’s on the couch
Don’t wake me up, you can’t come in
Please go to bed before you pass out
Like that’s the first time I told you that

My bags are packed, I’m really going
Had enough of this, the party’s over
Enjoy the boys, let them help you through
This is the last time I’m saying this to you
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

leave when it's over, not when you're asked to go!