Sunday, September 13, 2020

satan’s lot

i’ve sold my soul
to Satan’s lot
what i got back
isn’t what i thought

i don’t make the rules
i’m not on top
misery and anguish
is all i’ve got

buried too deep
in pain and strife
enough of this heartache
for one short life

how do I get back
and break this pact
lookin forward
but all is black

should have read the contract
read between the lines
should of, could of, would of
there weren’t any signs

a life of misery
and too much pain
nothin ahead
nothin i’ve gained

pray to God
on bended knees
bring me back
save me please
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


Anonymous said...

Read, John 14:14 and believe it. I feel your poem, at one time I was there

Anonymous said...

this does a great job of catching the feeling of being "stuck" ! Your empathy in your writing is what makes it potent!