Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Who does your past belong to today?
Not me anymore since we parted ways
Constantly wondering if you’re doing ok
Thinking about our yesterdays

The timing was off when I was your past
Did all we could to make it last
That brief time still unsurpassed
In my mind there's no contrast

If we’d met later, at a different time
We could have made it, it might have been fine
The love we shared, complete, sublime
We were a shooting star after a rapid climb

Too much distance, too much space
Logging miles, to be in one place
It was worth it for your embrace
The look of happiness on your face

It wore us down, tired us out
Tore us apart, started our doubts
Too much work to go that route
That’s what the end was all about

I hope you’re happy, and that you're well
We both moved on the past now quelled
We could meet again, only time will tell
It is a thought that sometimes dwells

Who does your past belong to today?
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

1 comment:

George Martin said...

I am reading this with the faint sound of multi-part harmony, syncopated beat, and the wheeze of an accordion playing on the speakers in the corner of the cafe.

All this needs is a chorus, and a band.... and you've got the next lonesome blues hit!