Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Writing what I feel and think 
dissatisfaction, dilemmas, disillusion,
my soul and spirit in blog. 
It eases the pain somehow
helps me to come to terms,
thinking I am in control 
when a higher power dictates 
the past and the future. 
All that I am and will be, 
a future mapped out long ago 
a course that can not be changed
dark and light at the same time. 
Expecting the worst, 
hoping for the best. 
While my guardian angel sleeps 
the candles that were lit 
are extinguished unanswered.
A lifetime of obscurity 
that is dictated 
in day to day measures and
a future that is indomitable.


Anonymous said...

This one is outstanding.

Anonymous said...

admit I had to look up indomitable but it makes the last line very powerful... sums it all up nicely..