Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Someone I'm Not

There’s a lot of places 
To be someone I’m not 
A façade that I am holding 
Hoping I never get caught 
Acting always acting
like I have got it straight
If they knew what’s underneath
It wouldn't be that great

Strong, is all they'll ever see
No one gets beneath
Keeping up appearances 
A mirror of what they see
Keeping up this misthrow 
Keeping up the inner hell
How long can I do this?
Only time will tell 

If only I can fool them all 
Yeah, that’s the what I think 
But I am only fooling myself 
Bordering on the brink 
It’s me that’s got the answers 
To the questions that they ask 
Pretending I am something 
While hiding behind this mask 

But I will keep on holding fast 
To this pretentious veneer
Till all in side me crumbles
And implodes all hiding here
The racket will be heard for miles
As all inside me rots
Never letting them see at all
I’m something that I'm not

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the pace and pattern of this! good job!