Thursday, July 4, 2019

canoe (JPB)

we put the canoe in
the river, like glass
sun high and hot
a perfect Midwest day

push off, catching our rhythm
harmonizing the oars
smooth teamwork
not our first time

we laugh and talk
just kicking back
reconnecting, remembering
it’s been a long time

we know what’s ahead
white water and rocks
and our favorite part,
the drop from the falls

we work as a team
maneuvering together
expert synchronicity
through the treacherous water

this perfect day
the thrill of the danger
this time we share
a new memory

back at the shore
we load the canoe
you look at me and smile
an amazing afternoon
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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