Wednesday, July 10, 2024


you strum my fate softly, 
fingers agilely moving 
on the strings of my heart
the lyrics you sing 
the chords that you play 
rip deeply into my soul 
rendering memories; acoustic sound 
vibrating my pain and depths of despair 
the chords are strong 
a scordatura performed 
reinforcing anguish 
the song complete 
tears glisten and fall


Anonymous said...

Wow a beautiful rendition of confusion and pain. I felt it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...I could feel it in my heart and soul. This is one of your best.

Anonymous said...

"the chords that you play/ tearing into my soul/ rendering memories/ acoustic sound/ vibrating my pain/ and depths of despair"... Fantastic analogy!! Excellent write, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful ,speaks to my soul