Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Looking for a soul to steal 
You thought you might have mine 
But it won’t be that easy 
I’m afraid I’ll have to decline 
You are right behind me 
As I climb up every rung 
I won’t be overtaken 
I will not be undone 

Tempting me with promise 
Of riches and of glory 
Things I haven’t worked for
I’ve heard that same old story 
Offering up damnation 
Is all I’m reading in you
I won’t forfeit salvation 
I’m not close to being through 

An angel on my shoulder 
My intuition is strong 
Your temptation will not sway me 
I know what’s right and wrong 
This scalp you won’t be adding 
To those there on your belt 
Get thee behind me Satan
In me you will not dwell


Anonymous said...

Well said. Put him in his place, he is already defeated.

Anonymous said...

faith and trust!

Aldous Huxley said...

woe to those who are his tools