Friday, August 26, 2022


You got lucky mister 
Lucky when we met
Lucky in my perceptions 
Lucky in my depths 
Like a fortune in a cookie
Like a gambler at the table 
It’s all on the line 
And destiny’s unstable 

Peeling back the layers 
Getting to the heart 
Uncovering the mysteries 
Of all that’s deep and dark 
A meeting that was chance 
Odds a thousand to one 
You still came out on top 
Obscurity undone 

I Put you on the path 
And turned it all around 
Gave you a new insight 
Put your feet back on the ground 
When all is said and done 
I gave it all to you 
And what you take away 
Is more than what you knew 

Yah, you got lucky 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting piece...well done