Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Walking on the wooden slats 
Past the hitching posts 
Where cowboys tied their trusty steeds 
A town with many ghosts 

A boomtown that was lawless 
With Doc and all the Earps 
Past the Bird Cage Theatre 
Where entertainment was rehearsed 

Into the famous Big Nose Kate’s 
With outlaws playing cards 
Hiding ace’s in their sleeves 
The danger disregarded 

Apparitions of saloon hags 
And six gun toting men 
Of silver miners in dusty clothes 
In this smoky, godless den 

Pick up the Tombstone Epitaph 
To read the local news 
No one shot and no one robbed
According to these reviews 

What must it have been like
In this wild and wicked town 
In the late 1880’s 
When this boomtown was founded 

History was in the making 
A county seat able to survive
For tourists like us on afternoons 
To see that it still thrives 

As we drive North and leave this place 
Past legendary Boot Hill
 All the ghosts put back to rest 
Though it still may raise some chills
Creative Commons License

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i loveeeee this poem