Friday, October 2, 2009


as I watch the pouring rain
pondering questions
that that still remain
trying to figure it all out
intangible aspects of the past

maybe I just think too much
reality that I couldn't touch
there was nothing there for me

a future together as dense as fog
I'm frames way ahead
and not where you are
different versions of the same reel
mine unedited and yours spliced

maybe I just think too much
reality that I can't touch
could there be something there for me?

envisioning what could never be
a heart that's torn
and now released
a milestone of the past
and when I was with you

maybe I just think too much
reality that I couldn't touch
was there something there for me?

maybe I gave up too fast
relinquished a hold
that I didn't have
left it all behind
when I closed the book

maybe I just think too much
reality that I couldn't touch
made it happen for you and me

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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