Friday, November 13, 2009

moonless night (collaboration)

Creeping shadowed moonless night
across my heart has drawn
Curtained memories of the sight
these evenings once had known

How softly would the whispers get
when you steal into these dreams
Fantasies that plague me yet
encroaching my heart’s engram

Leaves stiffly torn from the trees
from gale of bitt'rest wind
So the marks that you leave
to silently heal or rot within

The faceless heavens open wide
words torn from lover's lips
A ravaged heart with cure denied
voiceless echoing in an abyss

The tears of the cleansing rains
wash like a healing balm
And soak the crusted, acrid pain
to make the frenzied heart calm

Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful write....

Anonymous said...

this is a wonderful co-mingling of thoughts! I'm led down the path with you... feeling the angst, the hope, perhaps a little anger, the love... very sweet, very tender