Monday, January 24, 2022

the truth

you're digging for the truth 
and using both of your hands 
it's a losing cause you know
against the shifting sands 

like a dying man's thirst 
as you race against the clock 
tryin to figure it out 
and why the thoughts don't stop 

you should have brought a shovel 
and a hat for the desert heat 
a thermos with some water 
replacing sweat excreted

when did I have it last? 
I thought I buried it there 
no answer to your questions 
as you labor with despair 

you reach into your pocket 
for a kerchief to wipe the grime 
and there you find the truth 
in your back pocket this whole time


Anonymous said...

does it, or does it not figure? It does. Cute poem

Anonymous said...

nice yarn!