Sunday, February 7, 2021

house of cards

this house of cards I can't build faster 
each one placed spells sweet disaster 
keep on building, higher it goes 
now standing up on my tiptoes
will this be the one to cause collapse?
the pyramid just a maze of traps

the wind blows hard it stays in place 
feel the cool breeze on my face 
the house of cards still holding strong
lyrics pause in your sweet song 
one on one still on I race 
 the final card now finds its space

queen of hearts makes it fall down 
it all trembles, falls to the ground
fantasies always break apart 
no hints from the jagged start
a house of cards is always weak 
be careful of the ones you seek

every moment, every single hour
I spent building this high, wide tower
deconstructed  for evermore
scattered all about the floor
somethings you just can't sustain
no matter the love or its disdain


Anonymous said...

Beautiful and very true. Wonderful symbolism with the cards and what a powerful meaning behind them.

Anonymous said...

So clever!

Anonymous said...

Sombering and very true