Tuesday, February 9, 2021

cupid's bow

I am wrong again! 
been so, once or twice before. 
I can tell ya the truth, 
although it may hurt, 
any answers my friend 
come from the same old questions
rendering, not what you expect
or even what your dreams foretold.
you; always waiting for an opportunity 
to reap what I have sowed 

I'll be leaving soon 
but not right this minute 
it's either too late or too early,
but I'll tell you one more story.
how aspirations have let me down 
while I plant these seeds of sadness 
in this desiccated, rock hard ground 
always watering and waiting
for fortification from their growth

I try to see where you are now. 
no longer manipulating the arrow from Cupid's bow 
he never could shoot straight 
his aim, horrendous!  
red shoes click on the yellow brick road  
as I walk its ends.
at a thorny wall as high as my dreams grew 
fantasy catapults me over as
real life brings a screeching halt, 
the truth slowly seeping in, 
lovers fading quickly to the past,
the seeds I planted 
rot instead of grow

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