Sunday, June 12, 2022

let go

I don't need your love 
to make me complete 
read all the books, not about me
I'm smart enough to know 
about the heart I can't hold 
and the hand that has been let go 

it wasn't out of need but my heart's want 
about whispered words and  a slow dance begun 
unfinished lyrics once left unsung 
under a moon I thought you'd hung

the moon has a way of slipping behind clouds 
cool mountain breezes, that mock me now 
stars gazed upon don't shine near as bright
memory haunts dreams, and come every night 

when the dawn bleeds in red...
I write from my thoughts
putting it down, so I won't forget
an unpainted portrait without a regret 

how long does it take to forget this love? 
to put it aside and memory thereof 
I can put it in prose, lyric and haiku 
make it come out, the way I want it to
it wasn't out of need but my heart's want 
about whispered words and  a slow dance begun 
unfinished lyrics once left unsung 
under a moon I thought you'd hung
Creative Commons License

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