Tuesday, January 4, 2022


forty five minutes till my passport's stamped 
a three hour drive comes after that 
the drive I think will do me good 
there's this stuff I need to do 
some lists to make in mind... 
I'm thinking about things that just won't work 
start over again with things that should 
a profile of all I have to offer 
the loving traits held in this coffer
a perfect match with someone not blind 
to the intricacies that they will find
gonna bury the ones not built to last 
their heart encumbered or in the wrong place
their soul not free, or without love to give 
don't look here, that ship has sailed
I want it all and I deserve more 
before I reopen my heart's door
this time, I know, it's going to work 
roll up my sleeves, dust off the dirt 
I know just what I need to do
I'm going to give it all it's true 
this time they need to invest 
before  I do all the rest

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