Monday, May 23, 2022


I won't say that I'm sorry 
I can't apologize 
when all the truth comes forward
reflected in my eyes 
I won't keep you longer 
you are much too wise 
as truth hangs in the balance 
the mask won't cover the guise 

you cover me with roses 
and lay me down with hope
reason is not forth coming 
not in the broader scope 
I climb the ladder with fantasy 
it is a slippery slope 
and I light just one more candle 
and in the darkness grope 

we reach and understanding
I wish you all the luck
but when it starts to rain 
it's not worth a sawbuck 
it lays in wreck an ruin 
no way is it unstuck 
lightning flashes quickly 
I'm the only one that's struck 

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