Monday, March 21, 2022


conclusions drawn in crimson
they're the hardest to erase 
as is seeps from every pore 
pooling on tile like waste 
I guess that some would say
it has a bitter aftertaste 

it shrouds like a hooded cape
never quite fading away 
it's there in all of my dreams 
remaining here when I wake 
gnawing like a critter 
that is trying to satiate 

is it all illusion? 
a cruel magician's trick 
a smoke and mirrors side-show 
the sleight of hand is quick 
with one quick glimpse it goes 
now you see it, then you've tripped 

it's a double edged sword
that I have fallen and I curse
it's the fickle hand of fate 
and maybe it could be worse
the whole thing has me pondering 
if I could have changed the course 

hindsight is 20/20 
you don't need glasses to see
maybe with cleaner lenses
 you could avoid the trees
it's hard to change directions 
in the middle of what will be


Anonymous said...

I was really drawn to this one, the last two lines are so true.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this. Especially that first verse and stanza. Grand write:)