Monday, February 28, 2022

left behind

I carried you over rough waters 
I protected you from the waves 
I steadied the world around you 
when your spirit started to cave 
I fed you when you were hungry 
with nourishment for your soul 
sustenance to restore you
kindness, forgiveness, consoling 
I warmed you when you shivered 
I shared with you my fire 
I took the chill from your night air 
although it was not required 
I gave to you my willing heart 
my body, soul and mind 
a gift I thought you'd cherish 
a treasure tread upon


Anonymous said...

Oh so devastating. Well written

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful thing to find love and share all of you, and sad to have left your heart with that person..

Anonymous said...

How beautiful and very well penned......