Saturday, August 6, 2022

happy endings

I believe in happy endings 
and in each new beginning 
I believe that when life is darkest
it's always before the dawn 
I believe the glass is half-full 
just waiting to be topped off 
I believe that what gets broken 
can sometimes be repaired 
I believe if you look deep enough
there is good in everyone 
I believe that the bitterest lemons 
make the sweetest lemonade 
I believe if you want something  
that you can make it happen 
I believe it's a radiant light that shines 
at the end of the dark tunnel 
I believe in silver linings
in every single cloud
I believe that there's a lesson
in every test you face 


Anonymous said...

Such an inspiration this is. "If you just look deep enough"

Anonymous said...

Truly inspiring is so beautiful I am melting! I have my own types of poetry that I love like everyone and this is definately mine!

Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts well expressed!

Anonymous said...

Oh-I do believe! You said it so beautifully. You made me cry.