Saturday, February 1, 2020

lightning strike

lightning flashes across the sky
energy I feel in my veins
it illuminates all, the here and the now
unleashing what lays underneath

thunder rumbles, low and long
tremors shaking deep inside
it forewarns the storm, about to come
the passion quaking inside of me

it does strike twice starting as a glow
it does ignite the heat and desire
it does burn hot, white and intense
it does cause the fire that burns within

nature's ferocity at its best
matched by passion's avidity
stirring what lays just under the skin
a fervor unbridled and set free

let the lightning flash and the thunder roll
striking twice, igniting it all
release the fury..this raging inferno
saddle and ride the tempestuous wind

it does strike twice starting as a glow
it does ignite the heat and desire
it does burn hot, white and intense
it does cause the fire that burns within
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

1 comment:

TAH said...

well done..