Saturday, August 6, 2022


beneath a white and tattered flag 
rests and uneasy truce 
unfurling over wounded hearts 
and truth that was seduced
one more walking wounded 
one more tourniquet
the battlefield left bloody 
and it's not settled yet 

riddled with holes, it waves in the breeze
over all of this muck and mire
silent the heavy artillery
that rests for several hours
will we ever find armistice?
the peace on either side?
which one will surrender?
and cover their wounded pride 

do we live to fight another day? 
duck and cover from the truth?
how did this get started?
was it with me or you?
the silence of the cease-fire 
that spans on either end 
as we reload our ammo 
I'll break but will not bend 

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