Saturday, February 2, 2019

finding your way

you said that you weren't ready
had to go find your way
you said you're becoming a stranger
didn't recognize your own face
you looked back over your shoulder
gave me a little smile
you said it might take a minute
or it could take a good long while

I released my hand hold
like a bird, set you free
to see if you could find it
yourself and what you need
it took longer than a moment
you've been gone for quite some time
I don't know if you have found it
what you searched for that wasn't mine

I couldn't get close to your spirit
inside that shroud you bear
I couldn't fix you, couldn't save you
but I tried--laying my heart bare
in the breeze you're still soaring
looking for that place to land
and in my dreams I'm crying
over what we'll never have
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so true to so many people ....very well written