Friday, April 1, 2022

holding strong

your breeze blowing down from the mountains 
cool and sweet it lifted me 
I heard the crack of roaring thunder
I held strong, never ran for cover 

I saw the flash of zigzagged lightning 
felt the energy but it didn't frighten me 
now my cover may have been blown
but I'm standing firm on this long road 

I turned my back to walk away 
that's when I heard you call my name 
over my shoulder I can see your face
is it time to go or do I remain? 

confusion rocks my very core 
it's always this and nothing more 
still, I hold strong, I hold strong 
am I in it for a minute, or the long haul?

your breeze blowing down from the mountains 
cool and sweet it lifted me 
I heard the crack of roaring thunder
I held strong, never ran for cover
I hold strong, I hold strong

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