Saturday, January 26, 2019

it all has a price

everything costs, it all has a price
what's posted as free, is not that at all
the smorgasbord feast, can fill you right up
gestational quality?? yeah, not so much

the poverty stricken with cups for some change
standing on street corners out in the rain
at the end of the day they have nothing to show
and the stipend isn't enough to fuel what they know

the boxes in the alley in which they call home
not filtering heat or the winter's snow
all is not what it once seemed to be
they hide in the darkness to cover their needs

once they were families with a lifetime to gain
before the bi-polar and all of the pain
the burned out cars and fires in barrels
that warm their spirits but not their perils

backs are turned on what is endured
the government abhors all they stand for
we can't feed our people while dumping the oil
it all stays in trash bags as excess and spoil
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

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