Wednesday, April 6, 2022


poets write with metaphors 
to protect their feelings 
letting others read into it--
infusing their own meaning 
sometimes it hits close to home, 
no matter how vague we pen 
obtuseness only goes so far 
when you're in the midst of it 

we write of  many unread books 
and things left in the rain 
 of dances left unfinished 
and songs that we once sang 
we write about opening windows 
and about closing tight the doors 
of dense, white fog and shadows,
shrouds and birds that soar 

we write of finding happiness, 
of thunder and skies of blue 
of footprints in sand, the ocean tides 
and about the crescent moon 
a metaphor does many things, 
it's left to interpretation 
in every singular purpose, 
or every singular situation 

we pen these poems as lyrics 
or tag them spiritually
hoping others will read them
and find the strength they need
some may bring them close to tears
while other make them laugh 
pulling from them what prose will
maybe bringing a sweet repast

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