Wednesday, November 10, 2021


it all heats up with just one match 
like a sparkler that's been lit 
it's all now coming to the final point 
and I can see the gist of it 
I may have missed a few of your notes
but what were you expecting 
in every mirror, in every thought 
it is here again reflecting 

I opened up my heart to you
and it spewed out everywhere 
like a soda that you shook, too much 
contents spraying in the air 
all those sticky droplets, 
that stain if not wiped up 
the glass that once remained half-full 
is now an empty cup 

yesterday has ebbed away 
like the sea from the smooth sand 
what I needed most from you 
withdrawn just like your hand 
sparklers eventually fizzle out 
dying with one last glow 
the actuality of anything happening 
was like hell that gets some snow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have just described my world, wow!! well done!