Friday, August 4, 2023


an oasis at the end of a very long trail 
a dip in the pool of Heaven's sweet Grace 
how did you know that this was the place?
a sanctuary for keeping your secrets all safe 

out it all pours as stardust from the dipper
flecked with gold specks, shining in lunar light 
words written carelessly in black and on white 
cause for reflection in the dead of my night 

sleep that evades me and dreams that don't come 
the sun starts to fade and evening befalls 
I try to make sense out of nothing at all 
but the piper is insisting on his margin call 

nothing will I tell, your confessions not divulge
like a Priestess to a penitent, I lock it all in 
I offer absolution for all of your sins 
lighting a candle of peace for my friend


TAH said...

I sat out under the dipper last night, and my thoughts raced to and around the stars and moon. Reading this today has brought me a smile, so thank you....

Anonymous said...

A very creative and intersting write!

Poet Destroyer said...

a lovely read, enjoyed your write..