Friday, March 5, 2021

ever or at all

they were two lovers in the night 
staying together till the sunrise 
passion linked with soft sweet sighs 
whenever they could steal the time 

she thought she heard the promise of more 
he always had one foot out the door
it wasn't that loving her was a chore 
that wasn't what he was looking for 

she didn't see it like he did 
she couldn't understand it, not one bit 
every time she mentioned it 
all their time became undid 

he never asked her to please wait 
she saw his back going through the gate 
although the hour was very late 
she knew this time was their last date 

after that last time he didn't call 
her world crashed in and she bawled and bawled 
she thought he really has some gall  
but nothing was offered--ever or at all 


Anonymous said...

A loving write with a sad ending... powerful write my friend.......

Anonymous said...

Well written! Life - isn't it -