Monday, September 25, 2023

fragile or not

on the outside I'm a diamond 
my edges cut through glass
I am up for challenges
rally to each task 
I make my own decisions 
and stand by every one 
I shoot quick from the hip 
my aim again right on 

inside I am soft, 
as fragile as a pearl 
lustrous I shine--
delicate underneath
I won't let much get close 
they see the charade too late 
perfect  am not...
nor never claimed to be

I don't mean to maim others 
and won't let them maim me
if I can't make things better
then I will let them be 
I say this from the first, 
as slowly it begins 
you are one of the few, 
that I'm letting in 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent write, enjoyed the metaphor using the diamond and pearl to describe the exterior and interior. Enjoyed the read.