Tuesday, June 16, 2020


could it be that the hardest
and the right things are the same
could it be you want it all
without any of the pain
maybe you compare
maybe you judge
maybe you want it
maybe you don't

could it be you stepped over--
way across the line
could it be there are no questions
that ever cross your mind
maybe you are right
maybe you're dead wrong
maybe there's no doubt
maybe answers will not come

could it be you seek perfection
a taste of all that's true
could it be you seek an image
a mirror reflection of you
maybe you seek
maybe you will find
maybe you can
maybe you won't

could it be that what you've gained
is exactly what you had
could it be that the circumstance
leaves you feeling sad
maybe you should look
maybe you will see
maybe you are blind
maybe it was in front of you

could it be that in the future
this will all make sense
could it be that you'll look back
on memories that you missed
maybe you'll be happy
maybe some things never change
maybe you can settle
maybe not
Creative Commons License
Poetry by M.J.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now this poem rocks, keep up the good write''