Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Pandora's Box

you opened your eyes 
but closed your mind 
oblivious to dreams
I kept inside 
you saw the package 
but not the treasure 
all of those late nights 
we were together 

you spent the passion 
but saved your heart 
keeping those two things 
far, far apart 
nothing ever ventured,
 nothing ever gained 
so good at keeping
it all self-contained 

you pulled the ribbon 
on Pandora's box 
you twisted the key 
in a rusty lock 
you wound the toy 
just a little too tight 
leaving in haste 
before the dawn's light 

I thought I had it 
under control 
I could play the game 
and you'd never know 
you were much smarter 
than I had first thought 
you saw the ruse 
right from the start 

gently, you tried 
to let me down 
distancing me 
with silent sounds 
what you couldn't see--
failed to understand
 I knew your game 
but couldn't outrun your plan 

you pulled the ribbon 
on Pandora's box
you twisted the key 
in a rusty lock 
you wound the toy 
just a little too tight 
leaving in haste 
before the dawn's light 

I could see your future 
but not play a part 
you weren't really honest;
that wasn't our start
I knew there was another, 
but not the connection 
you had already promised 
your love and affection 

so as we go forward 
with an uneasy truce 
bury what's dead 
between me and you
no tourniquet will stop 
my bleed you'll agree
you didn't promise 
to be what I need

you asked me once
if the wound was still deep 
you can figure that out 
in this song if you read 
what starts with white lies, 
ends sadly with truth
it ebbs and then flows 
with each phase of the moon 

you pulled the ribbon 
on Pandora's box 
you twisted the key 
in a rusty lock 
you wound the toy 
just a little too tight 
leaving in haste 
before the dawn's light 


Anonymous said...

this, is good! I like the Pandora's box passages repeated it is very powerful imagery.

Anonymous said...

Was his name Joe? lol...I love your poem!!

Anonymous said...

Very telling. Excellent keeping the pattern throughout such a long poem.

Anonymous said...

a Gem, good write...

Anonymous said...

A great lyrical write. Love the magic of the personalized experience of the myth. Love every part of it.

Anonymous said...

This was a beautiful piece, i love your first two lines, they were so powerful, i also loved this line...what starts with white lies, ends sadly with truth..., i have been there. this was an amazing piece, perfectly penned, what great verse! I will cherish this piece by far.